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How to classfy ceramic grinding media
发表时间:2019-07-23     阅读次数:     字体:【

Ceramic grinding media is being widely used in many industries, and substitutes the glass beads and metal balls because of the excellent physical properties. Ceramic grinding media classification is mainly based on specific gravity and composition, mainly zirconia ball, zirconium silicate ball, zirconium aluminum composite ball, and Al2O3-SiO2-ZrO2 composite balls with pecific gravity in 2.7-3.6 g/cm3 .

Zirconia ceramic grinding media is mainly made by dripping or pressed molding processes, hardness of zirconia ball is close to alumina, at the same grade of Mohs 9, but toughness is much higher than alumina, which is suitable for high energy input grinding machinery, such as vertical or horizontal beads mill. Zirconia ball is suitable for grinding of high-required materials. Such as ink, paint, cosmetics, medicine and so on.

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